Shorter Days and Colder Nights!
by Joshua Reeves

The changing of the clocks
The colder weather
Halloween treats
Summer. It never lasts long enough, does it?
We recently, and rather begrudgingly, welcomed the return of the beautiful, if not cold and frankly rather wet, season of Autumn.
On the farm we're lucky. We're surrounded by crisp orange leaves as the trees shed the summer's bloom, and we once again see the intricacies of their make up as they stand bare for the colder months. Branches at every angle and maintaining their presence, despite the absence of the once-green foliage.
We also see the animals make a hasty retreat into the warmth of their homes, where the food is dry, the beds are toasty and they aren't at the mercy of the elements.
And, despite our desire to get some sunlight and exercise, humans are the same into their homes they go, wrapped up in a blanket enjoying the autumnal days from behind the safety of their windows!
During this time people are no longer looking for a quick snack whilst they're on the go, they're no longer looking for "picky bits" or "picnic food" as they too swap the great outdoors, for the comfort of home.
As a result people are, typically, after for something more hearty. Something warm, and filling, that they can tuck into and enjoy whilst looking out at whatever weather the UK is throwing at them.
“But Josh and Maria, what do you recommend?” We hear you cry!
Never fear, we have you covered and nothing says a cosy autumn more than our classic ready meals, of course!
We've a range of hearty, traditional ready meals which taste as good as you remember, including Shepherd's Pie, Chicken and Bacon Penne Pasta, Macaroni Cheese, and many, many more - and for our vegetarian friends, we’ve got you covered too!
Perfect in minutes and full to the brim with tasty ingredients, these are the perfect meal for when you don't fancy cooking, but do fancy some great British grub!